Club History

The history of the club is as shown below

The club was founded in 1948 and provided a strong social pastime for the benefit of retired servicemen as a way of extending the comradeship experienced by those who served their country during the war and to enrich their lives through amusing, informative and educational talks by local people on a very wide range of subjects.

It has come a long way in the past 70+ years and has changed its name twice, originally it was called "St. Oswald's Centre Club for Retired Men" and was based in the YMCA premises in Mast Lane Cullercoats (which has now been demolished and a block of retirement homes has taken it´s place).

In July 1970 the club moved it's venue to Cullercoats Methodist Church and at the same time changed its name to "Cullercoats Broadway Centre Club for Retired Men" continuing it's meetings with a membership which varied between 50 and 70.

In March 2010 with our numbers declining the club decided to rename and re-launch its self in order to adapt to the changing needs of the current population by changed its name to "Cullercoats Men's Club", as many of the members have never experienced national service and some are not of state pension able age, (these are not a per-requisite for membership).

It is no longer the prerogative of the over 65's to class themselves as retired as so many men are now leaving full time employment early and need other activities to stimulate their lives.

We continue to meet in the main hall at Cullercoats Methodist Church, Broadway each Wednesday from 10:30am until 12:00am throughout the year with the exception of August and the Christmas period (approx 44 meetings per year).

As we are now moving into the 21st century the club is adapting to this with the introduction of a small club newsletter and this website in an aid to raise the club's profile with all men in this area.

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