Cullercoats Mens Club 2
  • Previous Talks
  • 3 Sessions of Programmes
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  • "Cullercoats Men's Club" is primarily a retired men’s club run entirely by its members. It has no political or religious affiliations and is completely independent of any other organization or parent body. Its declared aims are the fostering of friendship, goodwill and understanding.

    We are proud to be sponsored by the Community Fund

    Community Fund.jpg (9981 bytes)


    We meet in the Main Hall at Cullercoats Methodist Church each Wednesday throughout the year between 10.30am and Noon (with the exception of the last two weeks in December and the weeks in the month of August, {which makes 44 meetings each year}), for a Talk/Show that is given by a guest speaker on a topics of his choice. We have a tea/coffee/chat break at about 11am and then its back to the speaker to complete his/her presentation.

    How do I join ? To find out Click Here

    This Site was Modified on the 19th August

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    The show where applicable will be in the form of

    a)   Talk Only

    b)   slide show

    c)   overhead projection show

    d)   computer power point show

    e)   CD/DVD presentation.


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