Identification-Best Evidence
The entry below is a synopsis of our speakers talk on 8th May 2024.
A factual and very interesting presentation this week was given by Mr David Wakenshaw about the about the Processes that the Police have to follow in order to get the Best Evidence.
He describe his early years in the force and some of the unusual events on his progress from being a constable up to becoming an assistant Chief Constable of the north of England. He recalled his first encounter with a mortician who showed how he handled the body of a small boy with respect and tenderness this stayed with him for the rest of his life.
stated that the system has changed requiring conclusive proof has to be given before a villain can be prosecuted, In some ways technology has assisted in their work but there was no substitute for the detective how gathers information and then sorts the truth out from several statements into one possible event, he said if everyone in the club were to be asked to describe the tie he was wearing 10 minutes after the end of the presentation you would be lucky to get 1 in 20 who gave the right combination of colours and pattern this is what a good detective attempts to do with conflicting witness statements.
Questions followed on several points to conclude a very entertaining morning.
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