The Big Ones
The entry below is a synopsis of our speakers talk on 14th December 2022
A very interesting presentation this week by Capt. Terry Took this week about “The Big One’s”.
Terry started by relating some of the largest ships in the world from the Seawise Giant (4,240,865 barrels (of crude oil) 458.45 m long 68.6 m Beam) down to the Esso Northumbria (1,812,500 barrels (of crude oil) 348.5 m long 15.9m Beam)
He then went on to tell us about the good things about these ships and the bad. There have been many ship that have shown the weakness associated with them but it is poor judgement that is a large factor in each event, in these large ships there are multiple tanks and the cargo must be distributed between all of them, when offloading some of the cargo the balance must be restored otherwise there will be stress in different parts of the structure which could cause to breakup into 2 or more parts.
Several photos were shown to point this out and stating what should have been done to prevent it from happening.
This presentation was well received by our members Questions followed on several points to conclude a very informative morning.
For further information Click on the link Big Tankers
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